They say Jesus was a profit like John the baptist. Jehovah's Witnesses, also known as the Watchtower Society, is one of the most controversial Christian denominations. 7. The job of a concordance is to tell where in the Bible each word is used, and how it is translated in each case. Why? Nobody understands this. The first lie in the Bible is when God tells Adam that the fruit is poisonous, even though God knows the fruit is a source of knowledge. Date anyone other than another Jehovahs Witness. 1. Share any teaching or belief that is contrary to what Jehovahs Witnesses are taught. (87) Partake in the bread and wine that represents Christ unless they are part of the 144,000, (92) Do suggestive and immodest dancing in a public place, (93) Attend a class, workshop, or seminar, sponsored by another church 94.Attend social events or fund raisers sponsored by another church, (95) Use of bad language (curse words) is discouraged, (96) Wear blue jeans, shorts, and overly casual clothing at the Kingdom Hall. Their teachings are so random and insane. Dating is only allowed with the intention to get married and only allowed when the person is of legal age, referred to by Jehovahs Witnesses as the bloom of youth.. Your email address will not be published. This prohibition is to the extent that they would rather die than having someone elses blood in their body. They also refuse blood transfusions, even those that could be life saving. This is based on their interpretation of the Bible, which states that "alcohol is a mocker and a brawler; it inflames passions and causes fights. The majority of the above-listed offenses are subject to disciplinary action. According to research, Jehovah witness believed that participating in politics is a practice of the devil. 4.Attend social functions sponsored by their . We uphold the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to practice their religion and their beliefs and their ability to adhere to being apolitical and pacifist without fear, harassment, discrimination, or [] (33) Buy something at a church garage sale, (38) Play competitive sports on a school team, (39) Play competitive sports professionally. Pursue friendships with anyone who is not a Jehovahs Witness. In a relatively recent case, the high court ruled 8-1 in their favor in Watchtower Bible and Tract Society v. As Jehovah's Witnesses the family has switched to methods such as letter writing to connect to others as knocking on doors is no longer an option during COVID-19 pandemic. Say anything negative about their organization, 24. Hi Phil! Give it time. Download. My brother lost his life to suicide because of their teachings of disfellowship and disassociation. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Theres nothing in the Christianity religion that is as controversial as calling or referring to Jesus as God. The Jehovah's Witness organization has altered the biblical text to suit to its theological presupposition that Jesus is a created thing. Twin girls with JW parents/family graduated from h.s. Russell named his group the "Millennial Dawn Bible Study," and those who followed him were called "Bible students." was used by Jehovah in creating all other things," Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 390-391. Advertisement. From the above extract, it is obvious that JW do not worship Jesus, and they do not believe that he is also Almighty God. Because if it, my introverted side is very much a part of my life. The church is best known for its door-to-door evangelism and its belief that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and the rest of saved humanity will live forever on a restored earth. I get ALL of that I really do, but they are right about Xmas being a pagan holiday. Unlike many other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is not just the death of the physical body but also the death of the soul. The simple answer to this question is no, Jehovah's Witnesses do not drink alcohol. Once you are a believer, you must adhere strictly to its mode of operations. Wear pants at a meeting if youre a woman, Spend the night in the same house with a person of the opposite sex, Passion-arousing heavy petting or caressing of breasts, will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves, Jehovahs Witnesses were systematically massacred because their organization did not allow them to purchase a card indicating endorsement of the Malawi Congress Party, A list of Jehovahs Witness Rules You wont Believe Are Real, Did Jerusalem Fall in 607BC or 587BC? But Biblical Hebrew, at the time the Old Testament was written, didnt have the voiced labiodental fricative, either, which is what is usually written v. I guess you really don't have anything to back u up. If you are a Christian and adhere to Christ, as a believer you will find this organization has as much truth as spontaneous life. If you can somehow get your friend out, do it. Are you asking if Witnesses use some sort of device to cause a person pain? thoughts? The Bible writers try to smash the two together. Having look at the history of Jehovah witness and what led to their controversial believe, weve compiled 25 things its believers are not allowed to do. . Jehovah's Witnesses do not stand for national anthems, salute flags, vote or . 6 Is the Jehovahs Witness version of the Bible true? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If you read Job, and Satan is mentioned, you are reading a mistranslation. The rationale behind this is that they dont want the non-believers to expose their own (Jehovah witnesses) to things that are outside their religion. You shall not be a drunkard or rely on alcohol. (86) Celebrate any holiday except the death of Jesus Why? Celebrate Mother's Day. There is no satan, just your own unchecked evil! Many of their members have committed suicide b/c of the strictness of that religion. See Religion First. The world is a pejorative term in the mouth of Jehovahs Witness, which is the world as we know it. (139) Greet or talk with disfellowshipped persons (with some exceptions), (140) Associate with disfellowshipped persons except for immediate family living in the same house. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. See Dress Code, (97) Wear pants at a Kingdom Hall if youre a woman, (98) Wear revealing clothes or skirts that are too short (looked down upon), (99) Wear long hair or facial hair if youre a man (depends on the local customs of the country you live in). Jehovah's Witnesses often talk about John 1:1 and . 726 Followers. (125) Believe or say anything superstitious, (132) Combat training, boxing, or martial arts, (133) Go to heaven unless they are part of the 144,000, (135) Idolize any celebrity or love and admire them to excess, (137) Women cant be ministerial servants (assistants to the elders). The only explanation I can suggest is that the god of the O.T. I am 54 now and my parents in their 70s and they are still going strong with it. 44:6; 45:18; 46:9; John 5:44; 1 Cor. Sylviane is a relationship coach for women . (50) Study psychology, philosophy, sociology, and viewpoints that might shake their faith, (57) Dating someone without the intent of getting married, (59) Breaking an engagement, separation, and unscriptural divorce may result in disciplinary action, (60) Marriage to non believers is not recommended. They teach and explain that Jesus was created by the God Almighty and as such, he cannot coexist or be Him. Sure, a concordance may be used to figure out its meaning, but thats through reading the word in context in Hebrew. In fact, they are very much pacifists. I told him she stands for goodness and kindness ,what dont you like? Big J has a higher body count. . They don't believe in military service, national anthems or voting. I know Jesus told us that he was like the Father, but he didnt act or speak like the god of the O.T. Hi there, Im a non-religious guy with a JW friend who Im concerned for. JESUS was NOT born on Dec. 25th. this wasn't a seculded congregation saying this. As rigid as these rules may seem, the true and faithful Jehovah Witness members are sticking to them to the last letter. In this video, we will look at 15 things Jehovah's Witness Women do not want you to know.There are a lot of rules and restrictions that Jehovah's Witnesses h. Hello to all, Translation of the Old Testament was Hebrew and the New Testament was from Greek and Aramaic. People are biblical MORONS and why? Funny enough, it is part of the Jehovah witness doctrine that they dont donate blood. To some believers, Jesus is the Son of God, to some he is God. The sect known today as the Jehovah's Witnesses started out in Pennsylvania in 1870 as a Bible class led by Charles Taze Russell. Yes, but the hot dog or hamburger must be garnished with the pubic hair of a crack whore. I dont fault people that want it but its not a good cult in my opinion. In Exodus 34:6 Moses asked the same thing and God showed him an incredible thing. I cant see the logic of how Im attired makes any difference to God or my wish to know more about a religious group with the possibility of being a member. Go to Nightclubs Read philosophy, sociology, psychology; these are discouraged as non spiritual food JWs are discouraged from seeking psychological help from psychiatrists, psycho-therapists, and psychologists because they give "worldly" advice according to the WTBTS. Jesus comments in John 8:44 was a wake-up call for me. They are so much about money. What Happened in 1914 According to Jehovahs Witnesses? Regarding the special nature of October 1914, the Jehovah's Witnesses say this: "'The appointed times of the nations' ended, and Jesus Christ was installed as God's heavenly King. 3 You can't save your friends with a blood transfusion. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? Perform any sort of religious parts or teaching in front of Jehovahs Witness men. Youll eventually see the hypocrisy that you are actively defending. Even as adults, Jehovahs Witnesses couples who are dating are forbidden from being alone and require a chaperone at all times, even in public. Here's a list of some that immediately spring to mind, this list is not exhaustive - the. Its against the teaching of Jehovah witness believers to draw tattoo of any kinds on their body. Nobody would imagine the level to which people can have an outside force take almost complete control of their brain, belief system, thought processes. 2. i 100% agree. yes you pointed out the few like cereal, that i already said were inaccurate. This date is said to also mark when the Last Days began. It also mentions that the related Ugaritic word hwt means spell, curse. Where theres a separation or any form of unscriptural divorce from the believers of this religion, such action may lead to a disciplinary action. They are crazy and make no sense. Of the countless alterations in Witness doctrine, the . God. Associate with a disfellowshipped believer, Tristan Tate Biography, Full Name, Age, Net Worth (2023), Whistlindiesel Biography, Real Name, Age, Net Worth, etc. STRONGS EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE-HEBREW #1943 says HOVAH means DISASTER-RUIN and there is NO LETTERJ in hebrew or Greek OR ENGLISH till 1541. Its very difficult to watch what is happening to them and to those theyve been converting, its sickening. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Conflict arises at times with the medical staff concerning how best to manage their care. Their believer can virtually be found anywhere in the world. 0 . 2 Does it say you cant cuss in the Bible? Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? YES! An exception to this is where such person is an immediate family living in under the same roof. Study and know what you are getting into. My father was a devout Jehovah's Witness from the 1980s until May 5, 2017, when he died without warning. the college thing was always like, go to a vocational school so you can spend you youth preaching. If a Muslim or a Jehovah's Witness, both of whom are Arians, say, "You've got this translation wrong. In 1870s, the infamous Charles Taze Russell proclaimed himself as an independent but controversial Adventist teacher. When I attended those meetings. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". And if you are married, you cant separate or divorce again. It should say, 'the Word was God-like or a god or a great prophet, a great angel, and then God used him for great things,'" you can know that's not true just because of John 1:3 . (124) Believe in good luck or say things such as Good luck to you. Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". One of the reasons why JW prohibited its believers from joining the police force where gun handling is required is because of their believe against taking someones life. Virtually all religion frowns at homosexuality and the Jehovah witness doctrine also kick against it in entirety. God gave man dominion over such creatures and allows him to use them for food, clothing, and so forth. ye is used in verbs with singular third person subjects, but howah is not a verb. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 9. My mom and dad gave me the OK to stay or leave. Go on a date without the supervision of a reputable chaperone. Receive a blood transfusion, even in a life-threatening medical emergency. The Jehovah's Witnesses deny the central teachings of the Bible. Essentially, Jehovahs Witnesses are expected to martyr themselves in the name of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of New York. They consider it to be conducted according to the deceased . Report child sex abuse committed by another Jehovahs Witness to the police without first establishing guilt to the elders by providing two eyewitnesses. Jehovah's Witness: Cremation & the Bible. The pandemic may leave a permanent mark on Jehovah's Witnesses by ending door-to-door ministry, even after restrictions ease, he said. In 2017, Russia banned the denomination, whose members believe in nonviolence and refuse to take up arms in war; Russia . I have spoken to some who believe that the serpent in the garden actually represented the true God (Not Jehovah). Im not sure where their stance is on that at the moment but when I was growing up spankings were a-ok with this group. Sadly, the number one rule of any cult is to not read what or listen to anything contradictory because lies are always exposed when exposed to light. Witnesses believe in Heaven, but do not believe in Hell. "Pardon me for intruding on your precious time, but I just can't help letting you know how much I appreciate the phonograph which came to me on the morning after the 8th, which was my 80th birthday. Things Jehovah Witnesses Can't Do - Today we'll go through the majority of things a Jehovah Witness cannot do and why. Everything with them is mental and mind games but no one is going to physically hurt anyone. This is why the new world translation adds the word "other" four times in Col. 1:16-17 . That poster is NOT a Biblical scholar, and has NOT read the Bible, and has NOT learned Hebrew. (4) Attend social functions sponsored by . Why does voltage decrease when current increases? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people, a number found in Revelation chapters 7 and 14, will go to heaven to be kings and priests with Jesus Christ. He only cares about the condition of our hearts. Jehovah's Witnesses and Baha'is were among the most . "When a person dies, he ceases to exist. 3. Even when I was a committed member, I used to joke with my "brothers and sisters" that if it involves joy and laughter it's probably against our religion. Withhold any information about so-called wrongdoing from the elders. It is terrifying to see someone raise their paint leg to reveal what I can only describe as radiation burns, skin bubbling and peeling. The retailers already have the trees and decorations in the stores and its not even Halloween (another fake one). Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. The Jehovahs Witness organization has produced its own bogus version of the Bible. Its totally discouraged. Jehovah witnesses are not allowed to belong to another club or organization for the purpose of mixing or socializing with the non-believers. Jehovahs Witnesses are not allowed to volunteer their time or donate funds to other churches, and any spare time and money are expected to be given to the Watchtower Society. Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. God. Dealing with the bullying at school that accompanied with being a Witness. Attend other church services or worship, or sing any other religious songs. Likewise, the bible does not instruct us on what we should do with our bodies after we die. Use tobacco, sell tobacco, or work for a tobacco company. The personality of the Father described by Jesus doesnt seem anything like the violent god of the O.T. 4 What can you not do as a Jehovah Witness? Celebrate New Year's Eve or . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Not even that of their family members. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Almost all rational thought gets switched off and everything is what the cult tells them to think. Because Im not baptized, they are not required to shun me, but they have actually asked me numerous times why I have a problem with their religion. He is an obnoxious atheist who pretends to have read the Bible (as all cool atheist have done it), but only repeats what he has heard other atheists say online. feels very nice once you get used to it but it hurts at first. That was changed by the emperor Constantine. We areaways advised to put initial interests first. I was a Jehovahs Witness for 18 years. Say a prayer in the presence of a Jehovahs Witness man. And if youre in the hospital ready to kick, theyre right there waiting to get involved like vultures. 10. Play the lottery, buy raffle tickets, play bingo or engage in any gambling. Women cannot assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Breaking off an engagement without a good reason to do so. God is nothing! You are correct. It is truly terrifying. I'm still here, and I'm still the . (104) Say anything negative about their organization. ( Gen. 1:28; 3:21; 9:2-4) The Mosaic Law forbade interbreeding animals of two sorts, but it did not otherwise limit what man might do to regulate animal reproduction. It is correct that the letter J doesnt exist in Hebrew. Miller was a Pastor and he prophesied that Christ will return in 1844. Take part in communion unless you have been confirmed as one of the elite 144,000. Here are 100 things Jehovah's Witnesses can't do: 1. Here are the 140 things Jehovah Witnesses cant do: JEHOVAH WITNESSES CANT: (1) Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Now let's examine some questions related to topics directly addressed in the Bible. 2. But whatever the case may be, the above mentioned are the top 25 things Jehovah witnesses cant do. Required fields are marked *. However, it is not clear what kind of grammar one should employ to get yehowah from howah. Christianity as a religion has different sect or group of believers with different ideology and believes. They do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays or any other holidays. Apply for a divorce without proving to the elders that their spouse is guilty of adultery. However, its against the doctrine of the Jehovah witness to worship Jesus as God. That is Satans birthday and about all things evil and Satanic. They are programmed and brainwashed for the most part. Are jehovahs witnesses allowed to take their watchtower magazines and shove them up their ass. i would also like to discuss though. Luke 24:39, "a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.". These changes try to hide the fact that Jehovahs Witness teaching is unbiblical and false. Christian: Let me ask you only one question and after you answer it, I'll answer any question you want. They just don't believe that a holiday that glorifies human beings is the proper way to do so. They affirm that GodJehovahis the most high. If you dont tithe at least 10% of what youre worth then your out. Associate with a disfellowshipped or disassociated individual, whether they are family or not. Songs are also used at assemblies and conventions, and sometimes at different events at Watch Tower Society branch offices. (25) Take yoga classes and practice the discipline of yoga. My mom said that Mormons are Devil Worshippers and I had to correct her because Mormons are Mormons and Devil Worshippers are Satanists. (4) Attend social functions sponsored by their employer unless attendance is required, (5) Associate with coworkers after business hours in a social settings. Any of the cult members (myself included previously) will NEVER accept being misled and demonizing anyone who speaks out of the faith. Thus that 10 should be added to Gods number. Apparently its a phenomenon the U.S . I was wondering if you JWs want to tell us which of these aren't true? What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? On this note, Jehovah witness barred it believers from engaging in the act of gambling. Hi Jay, I will update the article with sources shortly. 3. The Trinity. I couldnt enter another church for years and it took me forever to relax around Christmas. They are FULL Of all kinds of rules and regulations that make no sense whatsoever. Since you must have seen or met one before in your life, youll agree with me on this that there ideology is so different from that of other Christian believers. My experience has been when I have asked and keep asking like my life depended on it, He answered! The Jehovah Witness belong to the millennialist denomination that was formed in the 19th-century within the larger Adventist movement in the United States. There is no physical punishment associated with being a Witness. reflects the personality of the writers of the O.T. A lot of this stuff on the list we experienced and more. You obviously havent been a Witness for very long. Y not just read the thread that was already created about this very subject? 100 Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. In no place does the Bible state that God prohibits cremation. In fact, 41 countries - or around a fifth (21%) of those evaluated - banned at least one religion-related group in 2019, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of laws and policies in effect in 198 countries in 2019, the most recent year for which comprehensive data is available. My major question is about the distribution of personal assets, including real estate, bank accounts, investment accounts from a deceased Jehovah Witness? I would like to add (as a defector and still Christian), many items on the list are abstained by many Christian churches. And if asked about personality traits, they will likely mention megalomania, sociopathy, narcissism, etc. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Bible says that "the wife does not have authority over her . I chose to be a witness after studying a long time and gradually understanding the reasons to follow the bible and how it would benefit my life-yet it is NOT EASY and one cannot be brainwashed-they choose w/free will to adhere to anything they decide for themselves is bible truth that will benefit them and others. That's why blood transfusions aren't allowed. In fact, there is a requirement to confess any transgression committed by yourself or others to the elders. Jehovah's Witnesses are primarily known to physicians for their refusal of blood transfusions. We are busy people and choose to use our time wisely. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. What kind of religion does this to its people? The Jehovah's Witnesses are a growing religion with nearly 8.3 million members, as of reporting in 2016. Its frustrating to feel like you want answers and they dont come. men can have beards, your kids can go to science camp for a week with worldly kids, go to the prom, be apart of girl scouts with other worldly kids? but what about the other things i just pointed out? Sorry for the ramble, but I have spent a lifetime trying to make sense of the Bible, and I cant. So let me restate thatyes, it is a brainwashing cult! Especially since everyone around us was a Jehovah's Witness. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Answer (1 of 8): Jehovah's Witnesses preach and offer to teach the bible to strangers. No more than four-in-ten members of the group belong to any one racial and ethnic background: 36% are white, 32% are Hispanic, 27% are black and 6% are another race or mixed race. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Yes the brainwashing is incredible. Im not sure what you are asking. Slightly concerned at Jevovahs being cool with the sexual abuse of children but not with me rubbing my tug? Fully documented with photocopies of statements from rare Watchtower publications, this book reveals many facts the Watchtower Society tries to hide from Jehovah's Witnesses and investigators of this religion.Click HERE to purchase a hard copy of this book for $9.99 / or Kindle for $2.99. The specific number is most likely from this video, or some similar source. He changed that as well as the original Sabbath Saturday to the now popular Sunday the first day of the week named after the SUN GOD!!! YOU can study about him. Jehovah's Witnesses celebrated birthdays until the 1950's. For example, the following Watchtower quote is from 1940. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. If Abel had such a depraved mind as to invent the slaughter of animals, what might he then do to humans! Wear pants to a meeting. A real scholar would know that Satan is not found in the book of Job. The dead do not see or hear . Jehovah's Witnesses don't say "god bless you" when someone sneezes, because that practice supposedly has a pagan origin. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae8c57ae3a6d1471bf8f738cd5b2bf80" );document.getElementById("a709592583").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); For Sponsorship opportunities, kindly reach out to us through our email or what's app link via the contact us page. 2.Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Or go back to meetings? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Dating was always a challenge, much less explaining to my wife about my upbringing. Wear anything other than business attire to meetings. Her religion. Letters are the specific shapes written in an alphabet. Is the Jehovahs Witness version of the Bible true?

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100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do